

Join our automated affiliate program and get 20% of every recurring billing

Who it’s for

From YouTube to TikTok, influencers and bloggers partner with us to easily generate referral revenue and support their audience’s needs. Benefits:
  • Automated system with a detailed dashboard to see the status of all referred merchants
  • Comprehensive analytics with extended reports upon requests
  • Access to marketing materials upon request
  • Ability to track ad funnels
Shopify experts and development agencies partner with us to help their clients create more converting stores. Benefits:
  • A trusted partner with 10+ years of experience and offices worldwide
  • Official documents (invoices, contracts, NDA)
  • Dedicated manager to help you if questions arise
  • Enhanced terms for large amounts of referrals
  • Co-marketing activities

3 simple steps to earn with us

Step 1

Join the program. Register in our system for free and get your referral link.

Step 2

Share your referral link with anyone who might be interested in our app.

Step 3

Get 20% of every billing. The more you bring in — the more you earn.

Subscription e-commerce market growth rate
reaches a whopping 65%


Average monthly subscriber growth YOY


Average growth in overall customers by subscription brands


Online shoppers signed up for one or more subscriptions


20% of our merchants have more than 1,000 subscriptions per month

As our affiliate, you can earn an average of $30 from a Shopify store per month.

Should you or your referrals have questions, please reach out to us at

Or write your question in the form

    Add RecurrinGO! Subscriptions to your store and get 5 FREE hours of customization